Today is World Prematurity Day November 17, 2012

Today is designated to be World Prematurity Day to make people aware of Prematurity and how to prevent it whenever possible. Preterm birth is the leading cause of newborn death in the United States.  Click on the link below and see how your state is graded on prematurity

A few months ago Florida Hospital’s Walt Disney Pavillion for Children asked Rosie Moore of 27 Miracles and author of A Story of Faith to do an interview for them detailing the birth of her son Kaleb, who was a miracle.  Kaleb was born on 10/13/09 weighing a mere 1lb 10oz and 12 inches long.  He was born at 27 weeks instead of the normal gestation of 40 weeks.,  He lived in the NICU for 5 months and it is thanks to nurses and doctors that have a heart for these micro preeemies that Kaleb is alive today.

If you would like to read more about Kaleb indepth and the Story of Faith that surrounded Rosie Moore before the birth of her son, contact 27 Miracles to purchase a book 407-905-5454 ,, or you can purchase directly through Amazon or Barnes and Noble,

Watch the short synopsis on Kaleb and how he came in to the world:

27 Miracles

Treasured Moments Video Production